Make a Donation
Thank you for your generosity. Please click the button below to make a safe and secure PayPal or credit card payment in the amount you would like.
What Does The Building Hope Foundation Offer Its Donors?
As a 501 C-3 corporation, your donations are 100% tax deductible.
A way to show that you care about your community and your industry.
Builder Care Awards: Presented each year at the Building Hope "Celebration of Hope" Gala to acknowledge dedication in the following areas:
- Outstanding Financial Contribution
- Exceptional Investment of Time
- Demonstrated Philanthropic Efforts
What Can You Do To Help?
Ask your company to match your donation.
Participate in the annual Gala.
Donate time/money/materials to a project.
When it comes to donations we want everyone to share in the success of our projects. After the goal of turning hope into reality, our team will acknowledge project participants through our various public relations network.